Young Lions and Leos Covenant (YLLC)
Your commitment to
Multigenerational partnership
In our #MissionToGrow to reach MISSION 1.5 — we need to keep our younger members and get more of them! Just like we do for our members of all ages.
This multigenerational partnership means more hands on deck for our clubs, districts and multiple districts. And sustainability for our future.
Why do we need young members?
Only 15% of our global membership is made up of Lions 18-40 years of age. In Europe: the ratio is 5.4%.
What about sharing the leadership?
In Europe: only 5% of our club leadership and only 2% of our district or multiple district leadership is made up of Lions 18-40 years old.
Europe can make the change happen.
The data shows that we have a great opportunity to grow our clubs and extend our districts if we overcome the barriers.
Your action plan to
Multigenerational partnership
Young Lions and Leos Covenant (YLLC) has a step by step approach for an everlasting impact.
Sign it and show your commitment to multigenerational partnership.
Celebrate being part of it by making sure that every single Lion and Leo in your district knows about it.
Vote the suggestions for annual goals to join the decision making process.
Start the change by taking the actions to achieve the goals.
Submit your success in follow up meetings and correspondences.
Discover the resources.
Use the YLLC resources to make your club, district and multiple district even stronger.
Get the answers of the frequently asked questions.